SUNNY 101: THE 10 COMMANDMENTS OF A BOSS CHICK By: Sunshine Smith-Williams Some foolishly believe life is a matter of chance, based on the cards they are dealt. Yet, a Boss Chick knows she can reign as captain of her own ship, regardless of how steep the tides may come! Because life, in fact, is a matter of choice, a Boss Chick chooses to strategically call the shots and she plays to win! Although she may face challenges at sea, a Boss Chick never travels without her navigation. As a result, when others around her falter, she always seem to have the answers to get ahead, turn around her situations and come out on top! The key to a Boss Chick’s success resonates by the standards she sets and the rules she lives by, which keep her rooted and grounded. These rules give her wisdom to turn adversity into triumph. Everything she needs to know to become a virtuous woman, discover her purpose, find a mate, keep him, gain notoriety and wealth are now outlined in Sunny 101: The 10 Commandments Of A Boss Chick. This is a must-have empowerment guide for today’s striving women! This self-help companion is a road-map designed to empower women to avoid the common pitfalls that often derail many from achieving their dreams. Author Sunshine Smith-Williams enlightens readers as to how to overcome life obstacles and utilize challenges as fuel for success. Not only does she instruct readers on what to do, through captivating, real-life examples, she teaches her readers how to strengthen their endurance, sharpen their insight and reign as an ultimate Boss Chick! Step-by-step, through each poignant Commandment, Smith-Williams equips her readers to overcome fear, increase their self-esteem, build powerful relationships and rise as a shining star amongst the pack. By implementing a lifestyle, based on morals, values and principles, and setting practical goals, readers are challenged to step up their game! Raising the bar on their expectations, Boss Chicks can expect to finally live the life of their dreams! Some believe no woman can have it all, but Smith-Williams enlightens her readers as to how to beat the odds! No matter what obstacles they may face in life, regardless of background, color or creed, girded with Sunny 101: The 10 Commandments Of A Boss Chick, any woman can position herself to come out on top! Through her candid voice of reason, she breaks down the Commandments of a Boss Chick into easy-to-read revelations, with practical analysis and jewel drops. This powerful formula is sure to stir the soul and stimulate the mind! Let Sunshine Smith-Williams teach you the ropes, and you too can become a Boss Chick!
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